Friday, August 31, 2012

Jungle Gym.

                    Hey guys! I heard that today's new item is a Jungle Gym in the
                                         Monkeys ONLY Party!
           I noticed a lot of people this month has been assuming people of scamming.
                    Like today, In Jamaa Township. These two jammers
                                were arguing over who was a scammer.           

Thursday, August 30, 2012

NEW updates!

                Hey guys! We did it! We achived our goal! We donated 100 million gems!
                                                    how awesome is that ! :D
                 I got this picture from Snowyclaw. What is the next endangered animal?
                                  They also have a Monkeys Only Party!
                                                 Also monkey pets are out!

               Isn't this neat?! They have a Tree Top Garden in Sarepia Forest!
                       Is it possible that some betas are going to come out?
                  They also have a ticket shop! Isn't that COOL!
                                                     v__v YAY!
                         Check out the cool new stuff in Costume Corner!
                                 Who will be the luck jammer?
                        They also made a new calender C:
                           And finally, Long Shot is Gems x2!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A iCarly fan.

  Hey everyone! A fan from my blog sent me a video from her favorite show!
                                                    Its hilarious! Check it out!

Mushroom Chair.

                     A Mushroom chair! :3 Sold in Jam Mart Clothing!
                                      and again its member :P

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Mushroom Table.

                      Hey guys! Sorry for the last post. As I have said, that I've been busy
                         lately with school, and homework :(. I am very sorry! But I'll
                             try my best to keep posting updates and daily posts. (:
                       Oh and Mushroom table in Jam Mart Furniture! Sadly Members...

Monday, August 27, 2012

Rare Lei.

                    Rare Lei in Jam Mart Clothing. On the second page :D
                           I love how its blue. Its my favorite color!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Long Waits and Mine Shaft door.

                  Hey guys! Sorry for long waits. Im not the person who's
                  always up SUPER EARLY just to blog. If any chances,
                  I do my blog late or early. Its because of school! Summers gone!
                  And its time to get back to school work. So I'm very sorry. :(
                  Anyways. Mine shaft door in Jam Mart Furniture ..
                                   sadly its member :(

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Monocle and Long waits.

                    Hey guys! Todays new item is .. The Monocle!
                       Its in Bahari Bargains! ): Its not for
                                      land animals ...
    Phamtom Fall was a long wait >.< I waited 5 minutes or more.
          Barely anyone entered for the next 40 seconds.
      Comment below and tell me how long you had to wait!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Scammers :3

             Today in Jamaa Township. I recently found 2 scammers :\
        Two scammers were offering a prize, If you send the best gift!
     And this jammer gave a gift to one of the scammers and the scammer
    did not reply or 
even gave the gift. So, I think those two scammers were
   working together.


Fox Chair.

                      Fox Chair in Jam Mart Clothing :\ Seems to me
                                a bit animal abused? Much.                         

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Cross Bow.

    Okay today I went to Jamaa Township, and I noticed many people
    were assuming someone for scamming. But it turned out all in a
                         misunderstanding. So everyone stay safe!
                  Hey everyone! The new item for today is the
                              Cross Bow in Epic Wonders! :3
Also the den contest is still going on!      Plushie collecting(: Comment below and
Who will be the lucky jammer to win?     tell me what you collect ! :DDD

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wooden Toy box.

                 Wooden Toy Box in Jam Mart Furniture!
                 Finally something new for Non-Members! :DD
  Hey Everyone! I would like to announce something ...
  Everyone should know Lovelost by now, and I just heard that she
  Is quitting her blog, and animal jam :(. Very heart breaking. Love lost inspired
  me to become a blogger. She was my idol i looked up too.
               These were her last words for goodbye:

'' Well, hi! I'm sure no one even remembers who
 I am and no one even looks at this blog anymore, but I just want to answer some questions:

What happened to you? What happened to AJF?
Short answer: I pretty much quit AJ and blogging.

                         Why did you quit?
For personal reasons. Plus, I'm not really interested in AJ anymore.
It's not the same as it used to be, it's all too, well, new and different. I miss the old AJ!

                      can i huz ur rare itemz
Remember: I ain't no prize box. Just because I quit doesn't mean
I am giving all my stuffs away. You might want to improve your spelling too.

               Will you ever come back?
Chances are, no. I do come and visit AJ every once in a while,
and I could possible change my mind later.
 (Why would anyone want me back anyway? :D)

  Sinse you quit, can I takeover your blog?
       You spelled "since" wrong.

So are you going to delete the blog, or keep it up?
I'm keeping the blog up, just not posting on it anymore.
 Looking through the old posts brings back memories, and
 I want newer players to have a glimpse at the old versions of AJ.

           Do you play any other games?
No, I don't play any other computer games.
 And therefore you can not reach me through sites like AJ.
 I do use a number of sites though, so if you feel you need to reach me, you can here:

 Colors! 3D:

(Just leave a comment on one of my paintings)
No, I am not that good at art, but I will get better... eventually.
 I only have one horrible painting, but I will have more when I am not lazy.

I'll post more links to stuff when and if I feel like it.

The Jammer named LoveLost is no more!
I had fun in Jamaa with everyone, but now we must say goodbye.''

Everyone should be proud of all her achievements.
    Good Bye Lovelost :( We will all truly miss you

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tree Stump Sink.

                        Tree Stump Sink! In Jam Mart Furniture!
                                        Isn't neat? :DDD

Monday, August 20, 2012

Rare Seaweed Hair.

         Sorry I was late -_- I came home late from a Birthday Party..
                  Anyways, Today's rare is the Rare Seaweed Hair.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Rainbow Scale.

              There's a really cool member suit. Rainbow Scales!
                         For your under water animal!
           Freedom Banner and Firework Fountain are on clearance.
                       Also the Frozen Bush is on clearance.  

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Diamond Necklace.

                 A Diamond Necklace in Epic Wonders!
                              Isn't neat? 0.0 SHINY :D
                    Also Wind Rider has doubled the gems!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Twin Monkeys!

                        When I was playing Best Dressed. On the first round,
                            I noticed two Identical monkeys were matching.
                                     They both wore everything the same.
                       And did the same emotes. I thought this was neat so I wanted to
                          show everyone! Introducing the Twin Monkeys. It
                        could be a glitch or just two people on the computer together (:


Glitch (:

Hey everyone! A few hours later, I found out the glitch!
For the Enchanted Hollow den!
                       If you any have questions about this, ask in the comment section,
                                 or go to my ''Ask Cookies'' Page.-->Click here.
                                         Here's another look at the glitch :D

Tree Stump ^.^

             The finishing touches to the theme of Enchanted Hollow C:
                    Tree Stump Chairs in Jam Mart Furniture.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Updates (:

So this similar thing happened like the ''comedy'' girl.
But in different ways :l So, like i had 63 but then just like
                               one second later. I check the buddy list, BAM i have 64.
                            I did not see any buddy requests or anything just that person
                            popped up on the buddy list. There's definitely a glitch ......
                       but it could be someone else, that's a hacker :l But I'm not sure.
                       But here's the weird-er thing .... So i wanted to see this ''persons''
                      den, but apparently it was LOCKED! I was like ''WHAT!?''
                    If it said I added him or her. I should be able to access
                     his or hers den. So everyone, this could happen to you,
                         but don't worry, it shouldn't be anything harmful ...

               Hey, Everyone after the event. I realized I get support
                  from everyone in different ways. Also, Daily AJ News
                             will be back online! And I was just so
                        excited to see the new updates in Animal Jam!
                     You can buy a Tree Stump in Jam Mart Furniture.
                      This is the new den! Enchanted Hollow
                                   sold in the Den Shop.  
                              Here's a inside look.
                AJHQ could of picked a den entry a few
                weeks earlier but I guess will have to wait.
                                     Yay! #GoTurtles.
                   There's a new fun way to get tickets now!
                 You hit the balloons in order to get tickets.
        There is now a new and useful tool! You
       can change you cursor. I knew I was right :P
       We are one step closer to reaching our goal!
         so donate more gems! #SupportTeam.
   I got the great news from SnowyClaw! The Shamans are back!
     ''They Shall return the beloved stories with 'em.''